Ever wonder what mechanisms are built into the HTTP protocol to save bandwidth so that clients don't need to receive an entire document if it hasn't been modified? Check out Simon Fell's Busy Developer's Guide to ETags.
Just got back from a great backpacking trip with Randall. We went from Bandon to Port Orford, Oregon along the Pacific Coast Trail. We were lucky enough to enjoy perfect weather and fantastic scenery. Here are some photos (and even captions) from the trip. I can't wait for trip #3, R.K.
Here are the photos from the birthday bash last month. Sorry it took me so long to put them up. I tried to thin them down, but Nick took so many pictures that I finally gave up.
The Google weblog has a great list of events from Google History, with links to old Google pages at Stanford (through archive.org) and even a usenet post by Lawrence Page to comp.lang.java asking for help with an early web crawler.