March 13, 2002

Big Burgers, Little Towns

I stopped in Hollister to see my ex-roommate Geoff yesterday. Geoff teaches econ and coaches JV football at the local high school in town. He tells me that the place used to be largely a farming town, but now it is turning into a haven of silicon valley commuters. I think it's supposed to be about 45 minutes south of the valley, but since I left SF just in time for rush hour, my estimate was more than a bit larger. Commuting for over an hour, each way, 5 days a week must be a real pain in the ass.

It was great seeing Geoff and his now wife Jen again. I had a really good time staying at their place. So good, in fact, that I decided to leave my jacket behind to enjoy it for a bit longer -- thanks for sending it to me, Jen. Also, thanks for the biggest burger I've ever had.

Posted by Eli at March 13, 2002 10:41 AM

Did the sweater ever arrive? . . . I just found out we have an opening in the Computer Science dept. at SBHS (I figured I would give some inside information and boost my odds in the employed Eli pool). Have fun out there. -- Geoff

Posted by: Geoff at March 22, 2002 07:34 AM

Hey Geoff! Thanks for sending the jacket. I got it. I'll keep the job openeing in mind. ;)

Posted by: Eli at March 22, 2002 10:53 AM
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